Hearing God speak is much easier than you think. You probably already hear His voice but don't realise that it is God speaking to you.
The prophet Samuel was once in your shoes, he didn't recognise the voice of God straight away. But once he did recognise that God was speaking to him, his whole world changed.
People have made hearing God sound complicated when it's really very simple. Hearing God speak isn't just for the super holy.
You can connect with God and you can learn how to hear Him speaking to you. You can hear God's voice EVERY day, that is how it's meant to be.
"For God does speak, now one way, now another,
though man may not perceive it." Job 33:14
God is communicating to you in ways you often overlook. He has many ways of speaking, He doesn't always speak in the way that you expect Him to.
Explore the many different ways that God speaks and expect to be surprised.
You already hear God's voice every day, really! Discover how to tune into what God is saying to you.
What does God's voice sound like?
This practical step by step guide will give you keys to recognise when God is speaking.
God really does speak to His people and He is speaking to you.
Jesus said,
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Could it simply be that you haven't yet discovered how to use your spiritual ears?
Working through this coaching guide will help to open your spiritual ears so that you can hear God's voice more clearly.
“If you do ALL the talking when you pray, HOW will you know WHAT to pray, and how will you HEAR God’s replies?” Lynne Lee ~ How To Hear God
You were created for fellowship with God.
God is a loving Father whose deepest desire is to have a two-way conversational relationship with the apple of His eye, His beloved creation. It thrills me to know that we have an invitation from God Himself into the sacred privilege of a close, intimate relationship with Him.
It amazes me that God actually wants to speak with us. The God who created the universe, The Almighty; All Powerful God, wants to communicate with His people.
I encourage you to STOP and LISTEN ♥
How can you follow God if you can't hear Him clearly?
How To Hear God: Keys To Hearing God's Voice Every Day is now available on Kindle and in print.
Enjoy the adventure of discovering how to hear God's voice clearly and follow Him more closely.