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How to deal with disappointment August 09, 2020 |
I bless you with hope and love that never lets go.![]() My prayer for you is that today's coaching moment will give you keys to help you to deal with disappointments more effectively. These are strange days aren't they... so many of the things we take for granted aren't possible right now. Life is throwing a lot of curve balls. There's so much unrest and uncertainty... but God is still on the throne and He WILL turn what the enemy means for our harm to our good as we continue to trust and believe even though. If you'd appreciate more regular updates and being able to chat with me, I invite you to join in the conversation on my Facebook page. You'll find lots of encouragement and inspiration there. How to deal with disappointmentAdmit how you feel and talk about it to a trusted friendWhen you stifle the emotions associated with disappointment you can end up becoming pessimistic and moody. So find somebody you can trust who is a good listener, and be honest about the pain you're feeling. When you express the hurt and frustration, you'll be less likely to resort to passive aggressive tactics to make yourself heard. Take your focus off the disappointment and focus on the things you’re thankful for insteadWhen you're struggling with disappointment you tend to focus on what you've lost, what you don't have, what went wrong... but that magnifies things and digs you deeper in. You'll find it more helpful to redirect your focus away from the onslaught of negative emotions. Try deliberately turning your attention to being thankful for what you DO have, what's RIGHT about your life, the people who love you, the progress you're making... "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8 Choose to change your attitudeInstead of giving in to feelings like, it's not fair, I'm really struggling with this, it's awful and there's nothing I can do about it...As hard as it might be, drop the negativity and stop expressing it because it doesn't help. "I'm going to speak positively even though I feel really sad about this." Check in with God and ask, "What's a small step I can take today to move forward?" Remind yourself that you are enoughDisappointment is sometimes a result of buying into the myth of perfection. We sometimes hold ourselves to ridiculously high standards and set ourselves up to fail. When we don't reach that high standard of perfection, we feel like we've failed, and that sometimes leads to a deep sense of shame. Spend time reminding yourself how valuable you are and thinking about moments in your life that prove you ARE enough. Who does God say you are? What if you changed your definition of success from perfection to progress?Are you expecting something from family, people, work, church... that's unrealistic? The problem with defining success by desired outcomes instead of by GROWTH and IMPROVEMENT is that it makes us vulnerable to feeling like we're a failure, and that opens the door to unnecessary pain. What if you allowed yourself to define success as 'doing better today than I did yesterday' and changed your goal to making progress your priority? When you do that it sets you up for success. It helps you to get past the fear of failure and resist the temptation to compare your life to other peoples. I encourage you to try out some of these strategies and let me know how they help. If you've found other ways of dealing with disappointment I'd love to hear about them. You'll find lots of keys to help you with getting unstuck and breaking though here Keys To Breakthrough Blessings to persevere, and overcome, and live life fulfilled. Warmly, Lynne P.S. I encourage you to seriously consider equipping yourself with effective coaching strategies. Why? Because they
NOBODY who does Life Breakthrough Training stays the same. Everybody is transformed from the inside out as they apply what they're learning to their own lives and use the coaching skills they learn in every day situations. Seriously consider taking a leap of faith and joining us. God has gathered an amazing community of wonderful people. How you can support my ministryYou can help me to help others by PRAYING as the Lord leads. I need wisdom, support, and encouragement to be able to continue serving the many people from all over the world who benefit from the resources they find on my coaching site. |
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