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5 Min Life Coach - What do you REALLY want? April 10, 2012 |
Hello I trust you've had a blessed Easter and that hope is rising. Thank you for your encouraging e-mails, I appreciate you taking time to contact me to let me know how my website has helped you and how you've benefitted from working through Be Your Own Life Coach Now. I am about to publish a greatly expanded version on Kindle, then publish it as a print book, I'll keep you posted. It's good to know that so many of you are rising to the Father's challenge, finding new hope and reaching out to become all that God intended. Today's article asks the question, "What Do You Really Want?" and contains a simple, yet powerful exercise that will help you to become clear about what you really want and plot the steps to take you there. Christian life coaching on FacebookIf you would appreciate more regular updates and be able to connect with me more easily, I invite you to join me on Christian life coaching on Facebook where you'll find daily encouragement and inspiration. When you 'like' my page, updates will appear in your Facebook feed. Because I've been busy training coaches I've neglected you of late so I have 2 special offerings for you. From the emails I'm getting it's clear that you want closer INTIMACY with God. So, I'm offering you the 8-module How To Hear God Speak coaching program for a bargain price so you can have me and Dr Joseph Peck alongside to help you hear God more clearly. If you would like us to help you hear God more clearly
With that code your investment will be just $100 that's around £64. Blessings as you choose to embark on this wonderful adventure with God! Have you ever wondered what your destiny in life really is?Maybe you've had some inkling about your calling and purpose, but you'd like to know more. I'd like to invite you to join me for a free webinar where you will find the key to uncovering your destiny, passion, and purpose in life Destiny is no longer a veiled mystery that take years to uncover. There's a step-by-step formula that anyone - even children - can use to tap into their passion and destiny with laser sharp accuracy. Lisa Rae Preston is going to share with us a powerful discernment tool and how you can use it to "step inside another's moccasins" and see what others see out of their eyes - almost instantly. STEP shows how to read the brain and language patterns of yourself and others and how to transform lives and relationships by connecting with others from their God-designed core. If you want to tap into your destiny or if you're keen on inspiring others to tap into their destiny, then join us…there is no charge. Blessings on your journey to uncovering your brilliant core strengths! Lynne What's New?I've been training people to help people more effectively with life coaching, I'm really enjoying equipping people to be catalysts for change. From May, I will also be offering Marriage Breakthrough coach training. If this is of interest to you will find details here If you have questions about Christian life coaching I invite you to listen to the free online seminar where we answer your biggest questions about life coaching and give you a taste of the power of coaching, you'll find the recording here: Christian life coaching seminar Registration for the next life coach training program starting April 18th is open now! If you have been thinking about adding life coaching skills to your tool box then I recommend you check it out today. If you have questions after reading the details then simply reply to this email and I'll answer any questions you may have. Do You Know Where You're Headed?Where will you be by the end of this year? What will you be doing? I hope you're thinking of the possibilities. Where were you in 2005? What were you doing? Stop and think about what's changed in your life since then. My life has changed significantly. I qualified as a coach in 2005 and set up my own business. In 2006 I realised my dream of becoming a writer, launched blogs and started to develop my coaching website. I went on to write books and help business owners create an effective web presence. In January 2012 I began to train people just like you to coach from a Biblical foundation. My next steps are to train Marriage Breakthrough Coaches and publish books on Amazon. Now think about what you could do in the next seven years if you put your mind to it. What would you like to be doing in 2020? What have you always wanted to do? You can either make up your mind to take action now and take steps to realise your dreams and enjoy the rewards, or, you can still be putting things off three years from now because it will take too much effort and you're not sure what to do next. Now is a good time to decide what you really want, set your intentions and create a plan to make sure it happens. If you've been wondering about adding life coaching skills to your toolbox then consider joining the next Life breakthrough Coach training class. You'll find details here. Christian Life Coach Training Here's what one of my students had to say about the training: "I knew that coaching was about getting from where you are to where you want to be. What I didn't know was that this course would take me from a place of very little knowledge about coaching to a whole new world of breakthrough for myself and others!! I loved this course and I love coaching!! I especially love the way that as a result God is beginning to use me to partner with Him to see lives transformed. It is so powerful! While I will be always growing as a coach, this course has been an inspirational foundation and launch pad to give me a flying start! I cannot believe how much we have covered in 10 weeks but I have felt supported every step of the way. Although fast paced it is an exciting and exhilarating journey! It has left me feeling passionate about developing into the best coach that I can be and I am very grateful!" What Do You Really Want?This is a simple yet powerful exercise that will help you to become clear about what you really want and find the steps to take you there. Work through all the steps and take time to stop and consider your answers to each question.
What three things would you love to accomplish in the next three years? What would you do if you knew you could do anything? Tune in to the longings of your heart, reach for some big things and allow yourself to stretch beyond your comfort zone. Now, think of the possibility of making these things a reality. What limiting thoughts, feelings or beliefs do you have about each of these goals? Write them down. Simply being aware of them and writing them down will help to defuse their power. What steps will you take to overcome them?
Make a list, don't leave anything out, and include the small things too. Go through your list and prioritise the steps you need to take.
Once you've made your plan enlist your imagination and picture yourself achieving each of your goals.
Now, call things that are not as though they were, look with eyes of faith. Allow yourself to dream and know that all things are possible to those who love God. Now, go and partner with the Holy Spirit to make it happen. If you'd like some insights to help you on your way, the STEP into your Destiny training program will forever change the way you think about human behaviour and motivation. If this is something that interests you please join us for a free online seminar that will give you keys to unlock your relationships. You Can Register Here "Goals are dreams with deadlines." Diana Scharf Hunt "Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps." David Lloyd George Blog UpdatesHave you visited my Closer Walk With God blog recently? You'll find lots of inspiration to help you grow in God. Would you like some help to hear God more clearly?If you haven't yet seen highlights from the How To Hear God Coaching Program you can access the replay here It's wonderful to see how the people who opted to join us for the program are growing in spiritual awareness and learning how to hear God more clearly. If you are thirsty for more of God then make time to listen to the no cost replay, you'll be glad you did. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile." Mother Teresa More Previously Recorded Teleseminars Are Available To DownloadI'm gradually adding seminar replays to this page
Previous Christian Life Coaching Teleseminars
So if you missed a seminar you now have an opportunity to get instant access to great life changing inspiration for a nominal cost. Did you manage to download and read through Be Your Own Life Coach Now? I hope your free gift isn't sitting on your hard drive gathering dust. If it is, do make time to open it and use it to start transforming your life. You'll be glad you did. If you can't remember where you filed it - here is a link so you can download it again. Just right click and select 'save as'. If you begin to change even one small thing you will begin to see a difference. Imagine what would happen if you changed just one small thing each week... Spread The WordPlease feel free to share The 5 Minute Life Coach with your friends and associates so that they can benefit too. All I ask is that you observe the copyright guidelines below. If you have a business you might like to check out my other blogs, they are all packed with useful resources to help you be more effective. Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this newsletter on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, just hit reply. Remember to check out the many free resources on my website. Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2012, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included.
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