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The 5 Minute Life Coach - What Are You Feeding On? September 26, 2007 |
Hello, A big welcome to my new subscribers, all 46 of you. This newsletter now goes out to 338 people and that figure grows every day. Thank you for letting your friends know about my website.
I hope this e mail finds you well and growing in God.
Have you visited the coaching products page to see what's on offer? You'll find recommended coaching products and the first of my own mini-coaching guides - Dealing With Anger will help you to develop strategies to defuse anger and hostility. If you are ready to deal with anger once and for all this guide is for you.
I'm still working on my new coaching programme, it really is on the way and I'll let you know as soon as it's ready.
Many thanks for your encouraging emails. I thrive on encouragement. Why not drop me a line to let me know how you're getting on with re-designing your life? You can hit reply or use my contact box.
My Site BlogI hope you've visited my blog. This is where you'll find the changes that have been made to the site and an occasional thought for the day. If you subscribe to the RSS feed you'll automatically be notified of any new additions.
"God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow into them." Author Unknown "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Author Unknown
What Are You Feeding On?
Did you feed your body today? Of course you did. Did you feed your mind? What did you feed it on? How about your soul? Have you done anything to nourish your soul today? And what about your spirit? Are you regularly feeding your spirit? If you didn't feed your body, you wouldn't function too well and if you neglected to feed it indefinitely you wouldn't be around for very long, would you?
It's important to feed your body with nourishing food and drink. It's equally important to feed your mind and soul and spirit with enriching things.
What are you doing to nourish your soul? Are you feeding your mind and your spirit with nutrient rich things every day? If you're not, I encourage you to schedule time to feed your mind and your spirit with good things. It's never too late to start.
What steps will you take today? Stop and think about it. Get out your diary now and plan the steps you will take to enrich every aspect of your life.
If you'd like some good fast food take a look at Who You Are In Christ and Build Your Faith.
"If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else." Lawrence J. Peter
"One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it." Sidney Howard
The Hundred Day Challenge
I probably don't need to remind you that it's nearly October. There are only 98 days left in the year. But it's not too late to do what you promised yourself you would do this year.
I'm passionate about setting inspiring, life changing goals and then achieving them. That's one of the reasons why I started my website! But like you, I'm not perfect and with 98 days left in the year there are some things that I haven't managed to do yet. I work best when I have someone to keep me accountable so I've joined the 100 day challenge to help me get back on target. With tools, regular reminders, support and encouragement I will
Imagine what these final days of 2007 would look like for you if you had help, support and personal guidance from the world's leading expert in achieving your goals.
The good news is that it is possible for you to achieve all that and more in the final days of 2007.
If you have goals you want some help with, why not join me on the 100 day challenge? It's being run by a colleague of mine - Gary Ryan Blair who is known around the world as The Goals Guy. I've already signed up and I highly recommend you join me and take part too.
The first step is going to, I invite you to check it out and think about what the next 100 days will look like for you when you take part too.
If you've got things you want to achieve before the end of the year it will be much easier with someone alongside to give you a boost when your motivation dips.
Your Free Download
Joyce Averils of has given me permission to offer you The Beauty Trap- Where Do You Get Your Self Worth as a free download this month.
Keys To Building Healthy Self Esteem
Spread The WordI really hope that you're inspired to finish this year off well. Please feel free to share The 5 Minute Life Coach with your friends and associates so that they can benefit too. All I ask is that you observe the copyright guidelines below.
Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, here's my contact link Remember to check out the many free resources on my website.
Support LynneIf you find my work helpful please consider leaving a donation for Lynne so you can enjoy the spirit of giving too.
Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2007, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included.
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