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5 Min Life Coach: Overwhelmed? Appreciate encouragement & a little help? Open up... December 01, 2014 |
In the busyness of the season, I encourage you to take time out & sit at Jesus' feet ♥ Make time to STOP from time to time, and worship the One we celebrate! I so appreciate you taking the time to respond to my last newsletter, thank you for your messages, for your prayers, and for your wonderful support, you warmed my heart. Today I have a short story to encourage your heart, and also keys to help you get past overwhelm and get things done. Be blessed ♥ When Victor Serebriakoff was a boy, he was told that he wasn't very clever, and that a labouring job was the best he could hope for. Sadly Victor believed this lie and settled for a life of hard manual labour until he entered the army where an IQ test revealed his IQ. It was THEN that Victor discovered the ONE thing that changed his life forever. He had an IQ of 161! He was a genius, he wasn't stupid!! That was a major turning point for him. He began to think of himself differently, to understand that he was a genius, that he wasn't a dunce. How did discovering this change his life?
When Victor discovered this ONE thing his life changed forever. What's YOUR one thing? There have been many turning points in my life. Over the years God has sent many different people to help me at pivotal moments. I clearly remember one big thing from 2006, the day all the pieces started to come together and at the age of 52, I finally discovered what God had put me on earth to do. In 2006 I started training to become a coach and my life changed forever. Little did I know on that summers day in 2006 that I was starting down a path that would enable me to do what I truly love. It still amazes me that I get to be part of transforming lives in such a powerful way. I love what I do. I've written books, created coaching programs, and inspired and coached many wonderful people to become who God created them to be, and do what He specifically designed them to do. And training other people to coach and getting to be part of their transformation as they trained to help other people to breakthrough and transform their lives, has been the icing on the cake. Back to the big question...what is YOUR one thing? I hope you have one. I hope you have a passion that you can follow, and that you're able to live life fulfilled. I believe finding your ONE THING matters for so many reasons... Not least that when you're able to do what you love, work is a pleasure. My life's work is a joy, I get to serve God and others doing what I love best! I work hard, probably harder than if I had a job. But I do it because I love my work, I know it's what God designed me to do, and that makes my heart sing. YOU can know that kind of joy too. If you haven't already, let me encourage you to identify your ONE THING. If you already know, then do all that is within your power to pursue it. If you'd like help to discover your life purpose and God's calling on your life you'll find help here \life purpsoe coaching special offer If NOW is the time to join me and transform your own life while training to help other people more effectively, I have a course starting TODAY (we'll be taking a break over Christmas) there's still time to join us... I think you'll find it's one of the best things you ever did. (If today is too much of a squeeze I have classes in January too.) When you find YOUR one thing, and that one thing becomes your work, you will have found a beautiful thing indeed! Overwhelmed because you have too much to do?It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it...ask the Lord to help you give your burdens to Him and trust Him ♥ If you're struggling to know where to start because you have so many things you need to do... Just choose ONE of them, FOCUS on doing just that one thing, and do it as quickly as possible. Don't try to do everything, do ONE thing. Getting it all done starts with doing just one thing. If you're struggling because you're trying to get everything right from the very beginning, and fear of making mistakes is stopping you from making a yourself and everyone around you a favour...let go of perfection. As long as you're thinking, "I've got to get this exactly right!" You'll have nagging fear holding you back, and that gets in the way of doing your best work, it causes you to make mistakes, and leads to overwhelm and frustration. What do you need to do to create a safe environment that enables you to take steps without the fear of not getting it right? Something to think about... What is the single biggest thing holding you back? Once you have identified you biggest problem... Ask the Lord to show you how to ELIMINATE, or WORK AROUND that problem.
Now get started with just ONE THING, and FOCUS. Yesterday I had 2 people tell me that they are reading my book for a SECOND time, and taking time to stop and DO what they're learning about. That brings joy to my heart. If you already have a copy and it's done you good, please take time to leave a review, and consider getting a copy for a friend :) If you'd appreciate more regular updates and being able to connect with me more easily, I invite you to join me on Facebook where you'll find daily encouragement and inspiration. You'll also find help and inspiration on my If you have questions about Christian life coaching I invite you to listen to this recording. We answer your biggest questions about life coaching and coach training, and give you a taste of the power of coaching - a life coaching exercise that helps you to start transforming your life straight away. You will find the recording here. Christian life coaching seminar Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach and life coach trainer, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2014, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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