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5 Min Life Coach:Where will you be in 2020? What will you be doing? January 30, 2017 |
If you aim for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars!
What were you doing in 2010? Stop and think about what's changed in your life since then. My life has changed beyond recognition... I didn't know that I'd be training people to coach, speaking internationally, or be involved with so many amazing online events with wonderful people. My world has grown far more than I imagined.
Imagine what life will be like when you start REALLY believing that God has great purpose in mind for you, start agreeing with what God says about you, and dare to pursue the desires He's put in your heart. People are waiting for you to step up and become who God created you to be – to get out of your comfort zone and live the life God intended for you. If you're ready to step up in 2017, pursue your God given dream and make this your best year yet, then you are invited to our live FREE broadcast (online seminar) "It ALWAYS Starts With a DREAM". Go here to register. (If the time doesn't work for you we'll send you the replay) A brand new year is waiting for you. It's full of possibilities. But you'll need a plan if you're going to make those possibilities become reality. If you keep on doing the same things you've been doing, where will you be in terms of fulfilling your dream and God's purpose in your life? To Embrace The New You Need To Release The Old. From early on God plants His dreams in each one of us and begins to call and prepare us for the unique purpose for which we were born. If you're anything like me, you've been reflecting and evaluating, looking forward to reaching for the more you know God has for you, and planning to make changes. Reflecting on life and making plans for improvement is a good process anytime of the year. But sadly, many people fail at turning their good intentions into action because they don't understand a very basic principle. There is a foundational truth that underlies all change, to embrace the new; you need to release the old. If you want to go forward, you need to let go of the things in your past that hold you back or prevent you moving on. I wonder what's been getting in your way. For me, it was always lack of confidence and feeling like an imposter! I've accomplished an amazing amount over the last 10 years because I decided to forge ahead anyway, get support when I needed it, and do things afraid if need be. I've broken through many barriers and am ready to smash through some more. This time next year, I want to be able to say, "This has been my best year yet. I got so much closer to God, had the courage to follow His promptings, and the dreams What about you? I hope you're planning to make 2017 your best year yet and that 2018 isn't going to find you doing the same old things in the same old ways, or allowing the same old things to get in the way. Imagine what life will be like when you start REALLY believing that God has great purpose in mind for you, start agreeing with what God says about you, and dare to pursue the desires He's put in your heart.
If you're ready to step up in 2017, pursue your God given dream and make this your best year yet, then come and listen in to our live FREE broadcast (online seminar) "It ALWAYS Starts With a DREAM". Many prophetic voices are telling us that 2017 is year for BREAKTHROUGH. And I believe it can be when we do OUR part. If you want to experience the promised breakthrough you’re going to need to BELIEVE GOD, make a decision to DO the things He’s put on your heart, and take focused action. Purpose is where your deep gladness AND if you’re going to make 2017 a breakthrough year you’re going to need to get VERY clear about what God is calling you to do. It will be a struggle if you only have a vague idea. God loves to take what WE THINK our dream is and show us how much bigger it is than we imagined. When we dream with God the end result is always BIGGER and much better than we envisaged. GO HERE to register for It ALWAYS Starts With a DREAM on Mon Jan 30 at 1 pm Eastern, 6 pm UK and be inspired to reach for more. Everyone who pre-registers for this webinar will receive access to the replay. You can even register AFTER the webinar is over and still receive access to the replay!. Blessings to make a living and a wonderful life doing what you love! Lynne P.S. It's now even easier to get equipped to help people more effectively while transforming your own life.
If you'd appreciate more regular updates and being able to connect with me more easily, I invite you to join me on Facebook where you'll find daily encouragement and inspiration. How you can support this ministryYou can help me to help others by PRAYING as the Lord leads. I need wisdom, support, and encouragement to be able to continue serving the many people from all over the world who benefit from the resources they find on my coaching site. Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach and life coach trainer, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2017, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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