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5 Min Life Coach: When things don't go as planned July 28, 2016 |
Blessings to persevere... There was a massive attack on our servers yesterday and our sites were down BUT they are back up and you can now register for today's online seminar so that you can discover how to encounter God in new ways, and be inspired to press in and have the closer walk with God you long for. Thank you for understanding about the glitch and for persevering. Blessings to hear God Lynne Things don't always go to plan. We wish they did, but sometimes, for reasons beyond our control they don't. So, how should you respond when things don't go to plan? Failure is part of growing and learning It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that success means that we're in God's will, and failure means that, we stepped out of God's will somewhere, or even that we've let God down. But consider two examples of the Apostle Paul's plans: Paul and his companions travelled through Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. (Acts 16:6) On one occasion Paul wanted to go to Asia, but the Holy Spirit changed his plans. On another occasion he wanted to go to Thessalonica, but Satan thwarted his plans. Things didn't always go to plan for Paul either. Throughout the Bible there are many examples of things not going to plan for mighty heroes of the faith... Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Job, David...the Prophets... the disciples... Time and time again, we see that many things didn't go as planned. "So at what point did we lose the idea that things not going to plan, that the circuitous route, is in fact an unmistakable biblical reality and truth? At what point did our plan become the yardstick for success or failure, above and beyond God's plan?" Berni Dymet God is well able to redirect us and use failure as a teacher God's plan often involves challenges, trials, failures and disappointments along the way. Think of Joseph's journey... things that the enemy meant for his harm, God used as part of his preparation. Success isn't necessarily proof that we are walking 100% in God's will. "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." Prov 16:9 I'm a coach, I know that planning is good. We get more done when we plan. But often, we make plans that seem good to us in the midst of many circumstances that are beyond our control; it's best to plan WITH God who knows the end from the beginning. His plans are often very different to ours. Things that seem like failure to us, are often God redirecting our steps. But it doesn't always make much sense to us at the time because we have limited perspective. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my your ways my ways" declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8,9 We make plans and we do our best to try and make things work, but many things are outside of our control. We all encounter things that aren’t "supposed" to happen. Life happens! Suddenly, plans change. The Israelites were "supposed" to walk into the Promised Land after a few days journey, they spent 39 years wandering in the wilderness! Mary and Joseph expected to get married and lead "normal" lives...but an angel showed up with a mission from God, plans changed. Sometimes things change drastically in a moment... an accident, a sudden death... impossibly difficult situations that aren't part of our plan. We all have things that didn't work out the way we thought they were supposed. I was supposed to be married by now... I thought we'd be able to have children... We were supposed to grow old together... Life happens. Plans change. But God is still there. He is still with you. It can be devastating when things don't work out like you wanted them to. And when your whole life is shaped around your plans, you can become so focused on your plan that you lose sight of God. Plans can become idols, we can be so set on our plans that we forget to put God first. When plans are built on shifting sand, when the winds and waves of change come, the house crumbles. But when you build WITH God, and create plans together with Him... Though the rain comes down, the rivers rise, and the winds blow and beat against the house; it will not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:25 Tragedy happens. We're human, and we make mistakes. We do things we regret and are faced with consequences. But, when we rely on God, rather than our own ability to make our plans become a reality, things that weren't supposed to happen can work together for good. Looks to God, ask Him to show you what to do, ask Him to show you the way... and stop and listen for His voice. God has a bigger plan. If you struggle to hear God and would like some help register for the seminar with James Goll I know you'll be encouraged. Be blessed to be a blessing Lynne P.S. It's now easier to get equipped to help people more effectively while transforming your own life. I'm offering Christian coach training as a self-paced course over the summer months so that you can easily fit it around your commitments.
If you'd appreciate more regular updates and being able to connect with me more easily, I invite you to join me on Facebook where you'll find daily encouragement and inspiration. How you can support this ministryYou can help me to help others by PRAYING as the Lord leads. I need wisdom, support, and encouragement to be able to continue serving the many people from all over the world who benefit from the resources they find on my coaching site. Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach and life coach trainer, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2016, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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