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The 5 Minute Life Coach - A must read May 05, 2008 |
Dear, This newsletter now goes out to around 900 people and more people are subscribing every day. Thank you for spreading the word. I obviously hit a nerve with my last newsletter. I'm glad my honesty helped those of you in a similar situation. I had lots of responses, thank you for your encouragement. I think we all need to be more honest about how things are and allow people to see that we're human too. It helps people to see that they're not alone and that the people they put on pedestals face similar struggles God doesn't have favourites. Be blessed Lynne What's coming in this issue...I have a free download for you today, prepare to be inspired by Derk Prince, updates, an article Just Get Started, an announcement, and a request for feedback. A Renewed YouThe 16 week coaching program has been a big hit and is now available from the website. It's my way of making coaching affordable for everyone. You'll find all the details here. You can get started in minutes and it will only cost you $17 a month. That's around £8.50 If you would like someone alongside while you transform your life but don't want the expense of one to one coaching, this is for you. Take a look at Dealing With AngerIf you are having a problem with anger or know anyone who is, Dealing With anger is a short step by step guide that will help you to develop strategies to defuse anger and hostility. If you are ready to deal with anger once and for all this guide is for you. Blog UpdatesHave you visited the Christian life coaching blog recently? There are some new updates. You'll also find new posts on UpdatesMy search engine optimisation mentoring programme was well received and I have been helping people to set up a web based business, build blogs, do keyword research,and generally fit the pieces of the internet marketing puzzle together. If you would like help in these areas please contact me and discover how I can help. Thank you for sending me your biggest questions about hearing God. I will soon be releasing my new Ebook, How To Hear God Yes, it's almost ready for you. If you are interested in making money from writing articles, you might like to visit my new blog And if you have a website or are thinking about having your own website, I'd like to offer you the first chapter of Optimize Your Website for free. It's a must if you'd like to know ho to get more visitors to your website. Free teleseminar series I'm planning a series of teleseminars for you and I'd really like to know what you'd like me to cover.
Once I have your responses I'll line up a series of guests and you can listen in, either on line or on the telephone as I interview them, or give them the floor to deliver what God has on their heart for us. Be watching out for the first announcement. I'm so excited about this and I'm really looking forward to getting to know you through our virtual seminars. Just get startedDo you realise that most of the things that hold you back wouldn't be able to if you didn't cooperate with them. When you stop giving power to your perceived limitations, many of them disappear. It's too easy to assume that you could never do something.But how do you know that you can't unless you give it a go. Maybe the biggest obstacle standing between you and your dreams is simply what you think about it. For many of you, the main thing holding you back is probably your belief that you can't do it. Imagine what could happen if you let go of that belief. What if you stopped focusing on what you think you can and can't do? What if you simply started making an effort, each day, to move toward your dream? You'd soon realise that many of the obstacles you thought stood in your way, aren't as big as you thought they were, or that they don't really exist at all! You will always have here challenges, yet they are rarely as difficult as you imagine. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and dare to believe that you can do what you thought was too big or impossible. My guess is that once you start taking steps towards making your dreams a reality, you'll find yourself moving successfully towards achieving your dream. If God has placed a dream in your heart, you have what it takes to accomplish it. Scripture says that He equips you to do all that He has called you to do. You have what it takes to reach wherever you're headed. Encourage yourself in God and just get started. Derek Prince TeachingYou can download TRUTH, FAITH, LOVE: MY GOD-GIVEN GOALS for free, just click here I found it very encouraging, I hope it inspires you as much as it did me. Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, here's my contact link Remember to check out the many free resources on my website. Support LynneIf you find my work helpful please consider leaving a donation for Lynne so you can enjoy the spirit of giving too.Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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