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The 5 Minute Life Coach - The Building Blocks Of An Effective Christian Life August 05, 2008 |
Dear, JUST IN TIME FOR THE OLYMPICS - FOR TODAY ONLY Today, August 5,2008, is a Special Celebration for the national launch of S.E. Gregg’s new book: The Christian Olympics-Going for the Gold Crowns What's a celebration without free gifts? Best selling authors, editors, and experts are offering free gifts for this Special Celebration. Get your free gifts now This book that will give you an inside view on the most enormous and longest running competition this world has ever seen - the Christian Olympics. This special celebration will end tonight at midnight. P.S. Your friends, family, and colleagues are all welcome to join this special celebration and get a bunch of free gifts. Just send them the link below: Did you make big plans for this year?How are they coming along? If you're behind on what you planned, don't get discouraged. Simply set aside time to take stock, get clear about what you really want and create a realistic step by step plan to make it possible. And if you need help, ask for it. You'll it much easier to succeed if you get the right kind of help. Think about how you will feel when you've achieved all you set out to do.
Is there any good reason why you can't look back this time next yearand say, "Wow, I did all THAT?!" If you'd like help with getting started take a look at A Renewed You, it will help you to clear the decks and make a plan. It's like having a coach alongside while you journey. Here's what a pastor in Johannesburg, had to say about it, "I really needed help in going from mediocre to super. Your coaching guide is like a breath of fresh air. I'm already starting to get some clarity in my life that has been missing for some time." "I am really enjoying the coaching course – it is helping to focus my mind, heart & mouth on the right things. One of the biggest problems I HAD (notice, I am confessing in past tense) was clarity & focus – which naturally results in mediocrity – this is helping me to get clarity & to focus on the things that matter most. I know we are only starting the process and there is a long way to go, but I just wanted to let you know that I am being helped already and I really appreciate what you have done." Seriously consider investing in A Renewed You. It's a very affordable 16 week program and it will help you to kickstart your life. it's much easier to buy now. You have the choice of paying in British pounds or American dollars. I know that I'm repeating myself, but please don't give yourself a hard time for not making more progress than you have. Instead, remind yourself what you have achieved, celebrate your achievements so far and plan to take steps to get back on track. There's still plenty of time to make this a great year. UpdateI have scheduled 4 speakers for September. We will be discovering how to hear God, how to understand what God is saying in our dreams, how to enrich relationships, and how to understand Christian divorce. If you have bought my book How To Hear God, I'd love to know what you like about it and whether you'd appreciate an audio version. Plase hit reply and give me your feedback while you remember. Be blessed, Lynne Blog UpdatesHave you visited the Christian life coaching blog recently? There are some new updates. You'll also find new posts on If you are interested in making money from writing articles, you might like to visit And if you have a website and would like to know how to get more vistors to your website please accept this free audio it's my gift to you. How To Get More Visitors To Your Website The Building Blocks Of An Effective Christian LifeI have a guest article for you... The Building Blocks of an Effective Christian Life By Eric Coggins I don't know about you but for me salvation is the greatest promise I could ever receive. That Jesus Christ would step down from his heavenly throne to pay the penalty for my sins and misdeeds is a promise beyond compare. The second greatest promise is that I can live an effective life that never stumbles or falls and receive a rich welcome into God's eternal kingdom. In his second letter recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, Simon Peter, a follower of Jesus Christ, describes a nine-step process that will render us both effective and productive in the true knowledge of Jesus Christ. In other words he promises that if I incorporate certain qualities into my life I can live a victorious life void of bumbling, fumbling and stumbling. The foundation of this effective life is Jesus Christ; the inspiration is the Holy Spirit. Apart from Jesus and the Holy Spirit the best life cannot be attained. The building blocks of the effective Christian life are:
These nine essential qualities are intertwined and work together to produce your best life in Jesus Christ. Diligence describes the measure of effort necessary to attain the effective life. In order to attain the victorious life we must put forth an earnest effort to make it happen. Faith is the assurance that what you cannot see actually exists. Faith is only worthwhile when placed in an object that is real and has the ability to assist you in your pursuit for the effective life. This type of faith includes putting your trust in yourself, others and of course God. Moral excellence is an attitude precipitated by faith in God. When you place your full trust in God then regardless of whether you have the knowhow you will want to live a life pleasing to God; you will want to live a holy and righteous life that brings honor to God. True knowledge is a second attitude precipitated by faith in God. Jesus Christ said, "And this is eternal life to know God and His Son who he has sent." When you decide to accept God and His Son as Lord of your life you will want to know him so as to know how to please him. We learn about God and His ways by reading the Bible and attending classes at a Bible teaching church or school. Self-control is winning over the temptations that are innate within you. It is difficult to live a life pleasing to God by practicing self-control if you do not know God's requirements. Gaining true knowledge of God and his ways through sound biblical teaching will give you more tools to practice personal discipline and live the effective Christian life. Consistently practicing self-control by subduing your natural appetites will give you the spiritual muscle to overcome other obstacles thrown at you by the world and the evil one. Perseverance is the ability to consistently overcome the temptations hurled at you by the world and the evil one. Practicing self-control and perseverance afford you the opportunity to live a life fully dedicated to God and his kingdom. Constant defeat will bring guilt and shame and an inability to focus your energies on achieving the best life God wants for you. Godliness is a sincere devoutness to God and His causes. When you give your all through self-control and perseverance then you will develop an unyielding devotion and commitment to God and His Kingdom. You will possess a spiritual and personal confidence bolstered by the Holy Spirit that will draw others to want to know and honor God and His Son, Jesus Christ as well. Brotherly kindness is: loving others because you truly value them. When we give our whole lives to God in faithful devotion to Him then we will be completely concerned about what God is concerned about. A Christian who does not love others is an oxymoron (as is a Christian who does not smile). God is most concerned about people. When you put your faith in God to live the abundant life he intended for you to live then you will be concerned for all people from every place on the planet. In Jesus Christ there is no caste system. There is no favoritism. Every human being who ever lived is welcome to join God's house, to be adopted into God's family. Your best life experienced is done so when lived in conjunction with others. You cannot live the effective Christian life alone by yourself. Unconditional love is the culmination of a life lived in loving fellowship with God, yourself and others. When asked about the greatest commandment Jesus replied, "To love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. The second is to love your neighbor as you love yourself." Living the previous eight qualities will lead you to possess the most important quality: love. These are nine building blocks of the effective Christian life. If you live by them you will be victorious every single day of your life. Unfortunately, we are not perfect and even the best Christians on the planet stumble over temptation once in a while. Thanks be to God that he has given us a remedy for when we do fall. The Bible tells us that when we fall that we only need to confess or agree with God that we have sinned and the Lord will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This cleansing is based not on our personal merit but on the blood Jesus shed on the cross. So if you fall don't moan and groan about it. Pop right back up, agree with God that it was a bonehead move and walk on in God's loving hand. God wants you to win! Put these nine qualities to work for you and you will live an effective Christian life and gain a rich welcome into God's eternal kingdom. Eric Coggins - What could be better than this? What can be better than living effectively without stumbling and receiving a rich welcome into God's eternal kingdom find out more about it Article Source: Prayer is a dialogue. God's voice in response to yours. Discover how to hear God and act on what you hear. Your life will never be the same again.Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this newsletter on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, just hit reply. Remember to check out the many free resources on my website. Support LynneIf you find my work helpful please consider leaving a donation for Lynne so you can enjoy the spirit of giving too.Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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