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5 Minute Life Coach - What Do You Need To Do To Have A Stress Free Christmas? November 02, 2010 |
A big welcome to my new subscribers, this newsletter now reaches 3469 people and that figure grows every day. Thank you for inviting me into your life and for letting your friends know about this Ezine. If you haven't yet read through Be Your Own Life Coach Now I encourage you to set time aside this week to read it and put what you learn there into action. If you have misplaced your copy here is a link to enable you to download it again. Just right click and select 'save as'. I can promise you that if you begin to change even one small thing you will see a difference. Imagine what would happen if you changed just one small thing each day, or created one new habit each month... 2010 is nearly over,
I hope you've managed to stay motivated and that your plans to transform you life are on track, but if you haven't don't beat yourself up for not making more progress than you have. Instead, celebrate your achievements so far and plan to take steps to get back on track. There's still plenty of time to make this the best year yet. If you know that you're more likely to succeed with help, but don't have the budget to hire a coach, my 16 week email coaching program is very affordable Click here to access A Renewed You Now It will equip you to give your life a makeover. Blog UpdatesHave you visited my Closer Walk With God blog recently? I posted powerful teaching based on "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he," Proverbs 23:7 The Bible has a lot to say about the power of your thoughts and the words you speak. Thoughts, both negative and positive, play a big role in shaping who you are and who you become. Prepare Now For A Stress Free ChristmasThe children are back at school, days are getting shorter, and already we are being bombarded by ceaseless reminders that Christmas is the next big event. I love Christmas but I know that for some people Christmas can be a stressful time. Unrealistic expectations, unreasonable demands, difficult family members, where to spend Christmas and who to spend it with, too much to do and not enough time to do it, all add to the feeling of stress. How DO you please your family and friends, while satisfying yourself and keeping your focus on what's really important? Here are a few suggestions that will help you move in the right direction. Start planning now. Decide what's important and necessary as a family. Plan what you will do and when you will do it and remember to leave space around the edges for the unexpected. After 25 years of organising Christmas and cooking Christmas dinner I still make a time plan so I can relax knowing that everything will come together. Say no to things you don't really want to do unless you have a good reason for saying yes. If you're dreading an event and only go because you feel pressure to meet people’s expectations, then perhaps it's time to politely say no thank you. There will be pressure from all directions during Christmas, if you've already decided what's important to you, you’ll find it much easier to make decisions about what to say yes and no to. Pre-planning difficult conversations and making a note of workable options before you have a conversation will lead to a better outcome. Allow people to say no to you. Remember that they're facing similar pressures to you. Let yourself and others do what they want within reason, does it really matter if everyone doesn't want to join in a game? Choose your battles carefully, and give in gracefully when you can. You can't control someone else's actions or response, but you can control your own. Get your heart right, and let God take care of the rest. Plan your budget. Work out what you can afford. Going into debt to satisfy unreasonable demands and expectations will lead to stress. Evaluate what you're spending, and why you're spending it and decide only to go ahead if you have peace about your decision. If your budget is tight, don't give in to pressure to overspend. Reduce the number of gifts. Let people know that you’re cutting back this year. Make time for yourself as well as others. Ask for help when you need it. Help with chores could mean the difference between you enjoying Christmas or simply enduring it. And last but not least, allow yourself time to unwind and give yourself permission to have fun. Spread The WordPlease feel free to share The 5 Minute Life Coach with your friends and associates so that they can benefit too. All I ask is that you observe the copyright guidelines below. More Previously Teleseminars Are Available To DownloadI'm gradually adding seminar replays to this page
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So if you missed a seminar and you're not yet a member of the Coaching Cafe you can get instant access to great life changing inspiration there.
Christian Life Coach TrainingIf you have dreamed of being a Christian life coach or if you are already a coach and would like to add to your skills, my colleague and friend, Christian life coach Janet Daughtry, offers excellent life coach training. It's delivered on line and over the phone so you can benefit wherever you live. It's very affordable, you will find all the details here 7 Powerful Keys To Unlock Your Life's PotentialThis audio series will help you to live life as God intended. It contains the very best of Janet Daughtry's Christian life coaching and is some of the best value coaching you will ever find. 7 Keys to unlock your potential Do you want to hear God More Clearly?I hope you're taking time to get to know God more. Consciously spend time developing your relationship with God every day and your life will be transformed. When you know what God is saying about your situation the journey is much easier. If you struggle to hear God these resources will help you If you would like to hear God more clearly and discover the joy of two way communication with God I have a step by step guide that will help you to hear God more clearly. Once you can hear God and are brave enough to act on what you hear, your life will never be the same.
How to Hear God Through Your Dreams An audio designed to help you understand what God is saying through your dreams. The Journal - Journaling software that will help you to keep track of what God is saying to you and help you to organize your life. If you have a business you might like to check out my other blogs, they are all packed with useful resources to help you be more effective. Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this newsletter on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, just hit reply. Remember to check out the many free resources on my website. Be blessed to be a blessing Lynne Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2010, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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