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5 Minute Life Coach - What Is Holding You Back? November 11, 2009 |
Dear, Thank you!This newsletter now goes out to 2,467 people. thank you so much for spreading the word. Last week's newsletter seemed to hit the spot. Many thanks for your emails. It heartens me to know that The 5 Minute Life Coach often arrives at just the right time. Hot off the Press I know that mnay of you have been praying for my family. I thought you'd like to know that my husband, Tim, who has been without a job for the last 4 months, starts work on Monday. God is good. Previous Teleseminars Are Now Available To Download I'm gradually adding seminar replays to this page Previous Christian Life Coaching Teleseminars So if you missed a seminar and you're not yet a member of the Coaching Cafe you can get instant access to great inspiration. What Is Holding You Back?I've discovered that most of the things that hold you back from following your dreams are not as real as you think they are. When you consciously choose to move forward regardless of your perceived limitations, many of them simply fade away. There are probably a whole list of things you have assumed you could never do. But how will you ever know if you don't give yourself permission to have a go? Could it be that the biggest obstacle standing between you and your dream is pessimistic thinking. What if the only thing holding you back is your belief that you can't do it? Allow yourself to imagine what would happen if you let go of the belief that you can't do something. What would happen if you stopped focusing on what you think you can and can't do and instead focused on the fact that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you? What if you decided to make an effort, each day, or each week, to move toward your dream? You'd soon realise that many of the obstacles you've allowed to hold you back, are not as real as you think they are. Many of them either only exist in your imagination or will be easy too overcome. I'm not saying that you can do absolutely anything, but you can do anything that God has put on your heart to do. You will always face challenges, but they will rarely be as difficult or insurmountable as you imagine. God will give you all you need to fulfil your destiny I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and face the obstacles, move forward to meet them armed with the faith and the belief that you can overcome them with God's help. When you do, you will find that they melt away one by one. Take you dreams of the shelf, dust them down and get started today. I strongly encourage you to stir up the gifts that God has given you, dare to resurrect your dreams and believe and hope that God will do what He has promised. Seriously consider joining Carrie Stone on her 4 weeks to Freedom course. God will use her to help you unlock your destiny. If you have dreamed of being a Christian life coach or if you are already a coach and would like to add to your skills, my colleague and friend, Christian life coach Janet Daughtry, is offering excellent life coach training. It's delivered on line and over the phone so you can benefit wherever you live. It's very affordable, you will find all the details here "It is a pleasure to see dreams come true." Are you making good use of my coaching resources?You will find helpful step by step coaching in A Renewed You my very affordable 16 week email life coaching program. 7 Powerful Keys To Unlock Your Life's PotentialThis audio series will help you to live life as God intended. It contains the very best of Janet Daughtry's Christian life coaching and is some of the best value coaching you will ever find. 7 Keys to unlock your potential Do you want to hear God More Clearly?I hope you're taking time to get to know God more. Consciously spend time developing your relationship with God every day and your life will be transformed. When you know what God is saying about your situation the journey is much easier. If you struggle to hear God these resources will help you If you would like to hear God more clearly and discover the joy of two way communication with God I have a step by step guide that will help you to hear God more clearly. Once you can hear God and are brave enough to act on what you hear, your life will never be the same.
How to Hear God Through Your Dreams An audio designed to help you understand what God is saying through your dreams. The Journal - Journaling software that will help you to keep track of what God is saying to you Blog UpdatesHave you visited my Christian life coaching blog recently? You'll also find new posts on I have other blogs too, they are all packed with useful resources Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this newsletter on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, just hit reply. Remember to check out the many free resources on my website. Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2009, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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