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5 Minute Life Coach - How To Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough September 03, 2009 |
Dear, What's happening at Christian Life Coaching?From Trauma To Triumph Thursday 10th September 8pm UK 3pm EST Essential keys to help you triumph over life's challenges. If current events are trying your faith I invite you to join me as I interview Coach Deb Smith and discover keys to help you overcome trials. Click here to reserve your place for How To Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough If the date or time doesn't fit with your schedule, register anyway and I'll make sure you get a link to the replay. What the Lord has been doing with me and mineAfter taking the wellness course with Sharon Graham I began to eat more nutritionally rich food and take natural supplements. I gave them to my son Barney too.Barney has suffered greatly from eczema as a result of a severe allergy to plants. Since taking the supplements Barney's skin has almost cleared up! I didn't take a wheelchair on holiday and managed to do many things that I needed to be in a wheelchair for on previous holidays. I am generally much better. God is good! If you'd like to join us on our journey to becoming well check out Uncommon Wellness an audio book with Dr Jerry Graham, Sharon Graham and Dr Randy Peck, it is an excellent guide.
If you like to know more about the supplements we've been taking, click here for details of natural supplements and do feel free to reply to this email and ask me for details of what we are doing to become well. I enough people are interested I'll arrange a teleseminar and share in detail.
I spent 2 weeks virtually unplugged from a computer at the end of August and enjoyed undisturbed time with my family and with God. The second week of our break was spent at a church camp, and my spirit was refreshed as I drank in teaching from Francois van Niekerk. Here is some of what he shared. The aroma of JesusThere was something about the life of Jesus that attracted people; from the crowds to the lone individual! People from all walks of life and especially sinners wanted to be with Him and wanted to hear Him. They were drawn to Him like bees to flowers.
What was the aroma that came from the life of Jesus? Jesus was real and relational yet truthful. He showed tremendous love, forgiveness and kindness in word and deed. He had compassion for people and lived to serve. Although He was real His spirituality was not hidden but proved by the supernatural power that manifested through Him. In short He lived a powerful and compassionate life that gave people hope! He had a ministry of encouragement! How is this aroma released through our lives? It is only possible for the aroma of Christ to be released as we live from the revelation that Christ is in us. You can only give what you've got! His aroma is released best:
The aroma of Jesus is not released in doing first but in being! The stage is set! God has set the stage for you to touch others. Pray that God will give you insight into the good works He has prepared for you to walk in. I have found that small things can have a big impact. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Look for the opportunity to show His kindness to at least one person every day and trust God for opportunities to show His wisdom in challenging situations! Take more risks in showing God’s kindness and obey the Holy Spirit, that's where the adventure of Christian living starts! Eyes wide open! Ask God specifically to open your eyes for divine opportunities to touch people with His loveliness. Expect these divine openings and be bold to take them! Every change, every challenge and even everyday happenings that people face, present opportunities to touch their lives. The secret is to have your focus not on yourself but on others via the leading of the Spirit! Get your grace assignment from Him for each day. Use every opportunity He brings to its full potential! Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. May He cause you to see what He sees; His plan and purpose; the potential locked up in people even beneath their sin. Conclusion What is the aroma of your life? You are called to leave the fragrance of Christ with everyone who crosses your path, sometimes in word sometimes in deed; spontaneously and intentionally! We must ask ourselves the question; "When I have been with people do they have more of Jesus or more of me?" Let your life release His aroma in your family, and where you work and play. His aroma is irresistible! It's the aroma of life! It says to people that there is hope and forgiveness, a Father that loves them no matter what! For the Christian to be relevant and make a difference in this world it means that you have to be active in the will of God. We are called to carry His aroma from the secret place of His presence into a desperate world. Spiritual JournalingIf you don't yet keep a journal and record your journey with God, I highly recommend it. If you download Randy Peck's book you'll find lots of inspiration to get you started. The Journal - Journaling software that will help you to keep track of what God is saying to you My Challenge to You This Week:Do join us for Thursday's telesminar on How To Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough, it could be just the key you're looking for.
Click here to reserve your place
How To Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough
Look for the opportunity to show kindness to at least one person every day and trust God for opportunities to show His wisdom in challenging situations!
Take more risks in showing God's kindness and obey the Holy Spirit! Do you want to hear God More Clearly?I hope you're taking time to get to know God more. Consciously spend time talking with God every day and your life will be transformed. When you know what God is saying the journey is much simpler. If you struggle to hear God these resources will help you If you would like to hear God more clearly and discover the joy of two way communication with God I have a step by step guide that will help you to hear God more clearly. Once you can hear God and are brave enough to act on what you hear, your life will never be the same.
How to Hear God Through Your Dreams An audio designed to help you understand what God is saying through your dreams. Lynne Recommends7 Powerful Keys To Unlock Your Life's Potential by Janet Daughtry This audio series will help you to live life as God intended. It contains the very best of Janet's Christian life coaching and is some of the best value coaching you will ever find. Access To Previous SeminarsIf you have missed previous seminars, they are archived in the Coaching Cafe, just register for a free trial membership and you will have immediate access to all the resources, they might be just what you need to inspire and equip you to get started and keep going.
Christian Life Coaching Cafe free trial
You can't lose, there are many resources to inspire and encourage your heart. It is incredible value, the first 2 weeks are FREE and if you don't want to pay ever, you just need to cancel your membership before the end of the two week trial.
Here's some of what you will find there
Blog UpdatesHave you visited my Christian life coaching blog recently? You'll also find new posts on I have other blogs too, they are all packed with useful resources Haven't subscribed yet?If you're reading this newsletter on the recommendation of a friend and would like to receive all the future editions and your own free guide - Be Your Own Life Coach Now - you can subscribe here If you have any comments, or content ideas I'd love to hear from you, just hit reply. Remember to check out the many free resources on my website. Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach, who helps people to see themselves through God'e eyes and live life as He intended. Copyright © 2009, all rights reserved. The 5 Minute Life Coach is a publication of Christian Life Coaching Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute this newsletter provided that The 5 Minute Life Coach is kept intact, and this copyright notice and full information about contacting Lynne are included. |
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